There can be no integration without participation.

We believe that integration – or, the feeling that you belong – happens through seemingly mundane tasks like knowing who to ask for help, how to find the best bargains or where to go out on the weekend.
Through community-building activities such as sports days, peer mentoring, gatherings, and skills trainings, we organise opportunities for refugees to engage with us, each-other and the local community – helping them feel more welcome.
Refugees shaping inclusion locally
Political participation is key for meaningful Integration. The EMBRACE project brings together local decision-makers (municipalities, local authorities, councils etc.) and newcomers (refugees, asylum seekers, migrants) to build skills in both groups and help them work collaboratively on solutions to challenges facing the community.
Together with 10 partners across 11 European cities, we are fostering participation that can shape integration policies, and contribute to sustainable, meaningful engagement through dialogue and collaboration.

Project Portfolio
Have a look at the various projects that we have tackled: