When I stumbled upon Second Tree earlier this year, I immediately felt a big YES throughout my body. Here was an NGO that embodied my values and philosophy, that knew the power of narratives and how the stories we tell shape our world.

The guiding principle of Second Tree, Refugees Are People (RAP), resonates deeply with me. Refugees are not a monolith and cannot be reduced to what happened to them. They are people, just like you and me, with unique quirks, dreams, talents and perspectives. Second Tree embraces this truth and works to break down stereotypes while fostering integration and opportunity.

As a member of Second Tree’s Communications team, I love using my passion for storytelling to showcase the work of Second Tree and to amplify the RAP message. But the most rewarding moments are seeing the smiles on the children’s faces – those smiles are proof of the impact Second Tree has on their lives.

Second Tree is doing incredible work, but there’s so much more to do. With your support we can keep offering activities in refugee camps across Europe, and inspire refugee children to be active agents in shaping their futures.